Pituitary gland - Vitality Hormone Clinic

The pituitary gland is a small, peanut-sized organ located at the base of the brain. Often referred to as the "master gland," it plays a pivotal role in regulating critical bodily functions and homeostasis. The pituitary gland is composed of two main lobes:

Some key functions of the pituitary gland hormones include: Diseases that affect the pituitary gland can lead to either insufficient or excessive hormone production. At Vitality Hormone Clinic, we specialize in treating pituitary disorders including tumors, inflammation, failure and hormone deficiencies or excess. Our experienced endocrinologists offer comprehensive pituitary testing, diagnosis and provide personalized treatment plans suited to your needs. If you suspect any pituitary abnormalities or imbalances, consult our experts today to get back on track! In summary, the walnut-sized pituitary gland governs vital processes in the endocrine system via hormones that coordinate growth, reproduction, mood, metabolism and homeostasis. Disorders can lead to hormone excess or deficiency with widespread effects. Experts at Vitality Hormone Clinic can accurately diagnose and treat pituitary conditions through targeted testing and therapy. Consult us to restore balance if you demonstrate symptoms.

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