Hot flashes - Vitality Hormone Clinic

What are hot flashes?

Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are sudden feelings of warmth which are usually most intense over the face, neck and chest. They may also be accompanied by profuse sweating, reddening of the skin and an accelerated heart rate.

Hot flashes are primarily associated with menopause and perimenopause in middle-aged women. They occur when the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature, is more sensitive to small changes related to decreasing estrogen levels. This triggers the hypothalamus to readjust the body's thermostat to a higher set point.

Some key facts about hot flashes:

If you're experiencing frequent or severe hot flashes, consider making an appointment with Vitality Hormone Clinic. Our caring staff can help determine if hormone replacement therapy is right for you. We develop custom treatment plans to help women find relief. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Hot flashes can occur at any time but often:

Triggers that may set off hot flashes include:

Some women breeze through menopause with minimal symptoms while others struggle. The severity of hot flashes varies significantly. Treatment aims to alleviate symptoms.

Lifestyle adjustments like dressing in layers, lowering the thermostat, avoiding triggers, using fans, practicing stress management and participating in regular exercise can help. For more stubborn hot flashes, there are medical options like:

If you're frustrated with persistent hot flashes and night sweats, come into Vitality Hormone Clinic for a free assessment. Our hormone specialists can analyze your hormone levels and determine if hormone replacement or other therapies are right for you. Every woman has a unique menopause experience. We customize care because no single approach works for everyone. Contact us today!

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